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The One To Zen Organizing Blog
Breathe in Calm, Breathe out Clutter

Jill Katz
Apr 18, 20243 min read
Spring Cleaning Passover Style: Tips & Trips to Master Any Seasonal Events Or Tasks
Turn the daunting task of spring cleaning into a manageable experience by learning from my Passover cleaning tips and tricks.

Jill Katz
Dec 21, 20234 min read
A 5-Step Guide to Mindful Goal Setting for the New Year
How do you translate your hopes and dreams for the New Year into actual goals? These are the 5 steps that I use.

Jill Katz
Jul 18, 20233 min read
Nighttime Routines: Clearing Your Mental Clutter
Nighttime routines are important in clearing your mental clutter so you can get some sleep. Strategize the best ways to end your day.

Jill Katz
Jun 14, 20233 min read
Creating A Morning Routine & Why It Will Increase Your Productivity
Morning routines affect the productivity of your entire day. It matters even more for those with chronic health issues or neurodiversity.

Jill Katz
Aug 31, 20223 min read
One to Zen Strategies To Improve Your Shopping Habits So You Can Stay Organized
Are you buying more or less than you need? Assess your habits and then learn One to Zen strategies to shop smart and stay organized.

Jill Katz
May 26, 20223 min read
Negative Self Talk: How To Overcome The Negative Voices In Our Head
How can we overcome negative self-talk? - That voice in our head that tells us, we're not good enough? Here's some practical advice.

Jill Katz
Nov 30, 20214 min read
Gift Giving & Receiving: 5 Tips To Stay Organized and Avoid “Gift Clutter”
Gift giving and receiving can create clutter in your life. Here are 5 tips to help you stay organized during the holiday season.

Jill Katz
Aug 25, 20213 min read
Organizing Like A Navy Seal
Navy Seals don't mess around. How can you organize like a Navy Seal? Intrigued? Read on...

Jill Katz
Jul 28, 20213 min read
Navigating Shared Spaces
You would like to declutter your Living Room but keep getting tripped up by others. How can you improve this shared space without conflict?

Jill Katz
Jan 21, 20217 min read
The Paper Trail: An Organizer’s View Of Paper Clutter
Most people dread tackling paper clutter. But I love it! enjoy looking at YOUR papers and figuring out how to solve your paper puzzle.

Jill Katz
Dec 23, 20204 min read
How To Organize Your Sensory Clutter
Sensory experiences have the power to “make or break” us in our daily lives. But most people only consider their "visual" clutter.

Jill Katz
Dec 1, 20202 min read
The Art of Making a Decision, What they Never Told You About Decisions & Clutter - Part II
Decisions causing clutter in your life? Here are 5 more tips and truths to help you dodge decision fatigue and declutter your space.

Jill Katz
Nov 16, 20203 min read
The Art of Making a Decision: What They Never Told You About Decisions & Clutter - Part I
As an organizer, I see the results of decision fatigue--Clutter. Yes, let’s repeat that: Clutter is the result of unmade decisions.
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