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The One To Zen Organizing Blog
Breathe in Calm, Breathe out Clutter

Jill Katz
Sep 19, 20244 min read
The 5 Stages of Change: Your Key to Unlocking Success In Organizing & Beyond
Have you ever felt the frustration of stalled progress? Discover the transformative power of the 5 stages of change in unlocking success.

Jill Katz
May 27, 20243 min read
How The Loving Kindness Meditation Can Improve Your Organizing Practice
The loving kindness meditation is a powerful organizing practice that sets the stage for openness, calm, positivity and compassion.

Jill Katz
Jul 18, 20233 min read
Nighttime Routines: Clearing Your Mental Clutter
Nighttime routines are important in clearing your mental clutter so you can get some sleep. Strategize the best ways to end your day.

Jill Katz
Jun 14, 20233 min read
Creating A Morning Routine & Why It Will Increase Your Productivity
Morning routines affect the productivity of your entire day. It matters even more for those with chronic health issues or neurodiversity.

Jill Katz
Mar 14, 20233 min read
Using Point Of Performance (POP) To Support New Habits & Routines
Have trouble staying on task? Use Point Of Performance as a strategy to help stay on track and stick to new habits and routines.

Jill Katz
Aug 31, 20223 min read
One to Zen Strategies To Improve Your Shopping Habits So You Can Stay Organized
Are you buying more or less than you need? Assess your habits and then learn One to Zen strategies to shop smart and stay organized.

Jill Katz
Feb 27, 20224 min read
Flexibility vs. Structure: Changing Where You Live On The Routine Spectrum
Learn 5 strategies to organize your routines to include the structure or the flexibility you crave...mindfully, of course!

Jill Katz
Apr 21, 20213 min read
A “Worried Well” Nation: Suffering From Anxiety & What To Do About It
The pandemic has turned us all into a “Worried Well” population. How does this affect our productivity and what can we do about it?

Jill Katz
Mar 23, 20214 min read
Why Am I Suddenly Disorganized? Experiencing Life Transitions
Do you consider yourself an organized person but all of a sudden feel disorganized ? You are probably experiencing a life transition.

Jill Katz
Nov 16, 20203 min read
The Art of Making a Decision: What They Never Told You About Decisions & Clutter - Part I
As an organizer, I see the results of decision fatigue--Clutter. Yes, let’s repeat that: Clutter is the result of unmade decisions.
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